Report ID
This is a fork from the great work done by Voomlz to make the tool compatible in WotLK Classic. Wrath support is in an early alpha state -- much works remain -- from Zachatou (Zachatou#1282) and Mobmentality (mobmentality#9406) -- (Westfall/Benediction). We expect issues and would love your help finding them. Please file an issue here or DM us Discord with any inconsistencies -- if you find an issue, a VOD with a threat graph or screenshot of the meter at the end of the fight would be incredible for helping compare values.

Known Issues:
  • Pre-casts MDs do not assign threat to anyone
  • Some trash fights may not correctly detect talents
  • Warrior AP detection for Sunder Armor does not work for arms warriors, but let's be honest, they don't sunder anyways
  • Vigilance is not detected --> working on manual selection for Vigilance target
  • Protection warrior threat is slightly underestimated -- at least partially related to AP detection + Vigilance
  • Active threat drops (HoS) need to be tested against static threat modifiers. Current implementation assumes they are affected
  • Probably others! Please report observed issues here.